All things Production & Versioning
I had the pleasure of Joining Pat Murphy from Murphy Cobb on his podcast to talk about all things, production, versioning and more. Also listed was Sheridan Thomas Executive Producer at Great Guns, one of the world’s most creative advertising production companies. Very interesting use of the Unreal Engine, & remote production.
Is your consumer ready to hit Buy Now? Are they Banner (ad) Blind?
Situational marketing or as I like to call it in-moment marketing is something that has piqued my interest. Location-based marketing isn't anything new, but the ability to join the dots on data points has significantly grown, creating something entirely different, situational analysis.
The cost of not versioning, personalising your marketing comms?
I clearly remember memorable ads like the Cadburys Milk Tray Man, arguably not the best chocolates in the world, but I always bought them for my Mum "and all because the lady loves Milk Tray"! The Cadburys flake ad, the Cadburys Gorilla ad with the soundtrack from Phil Collins and let's not forget Maureen Lipman "he got an ology" - "it's good to talk" from BT, the iconic series of adverts in the '80s and '90s.